
Trea is your kingdom...

In the ancient days, reality was made up only of two components: Symbia, an endless cosmic realm of untouched peace and heart stopping beauty, and the Fountain of Manna, a source of magical energy at the center of reality which flowed through all things. For unfathomable lengths of time, a single entity had inhabited Symbia: Benelos, god of light and order, maintainer of the Fountain and protector of the peace. However, Symbia was not fated to remain an unsullied realm forever. Out of the farthest cosmic darkness, from the depths of all chaos and foulness, a new entity was born: Gaengroth, god of corruption, who sought nothing more than to infect and desecrate Symbia with his vile essence. For countless eons, the two gods fought for control of Symbia and the Fountain, and much of the cosmos fell to the power of corruption, becoming warped and unrecognizable.

Eventually, the gods realized that they were too evenly matched and there would never be a victor. So, they reluctantly decided to come to a compromise: a single planet balanced between good and evil, light and darkness, order and chaos. They called it Trea, meaning unity, as it had brought them together for the first time. Trea was a beautiful and diverse world, lit by the ambient light of Symbia. The gods filled it with jungles of vast trees like skyscrapers, rolling mountain ranges, deep, lava filled caves, celestial, crystalline heights, and much more, including an enormous variety of creatures to inhabit these regions.

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